The Way Back

The way back is never what you think it will be
It isn't magical and is not automatic
It is worked for, it is bled for, it is exhausting
It is a boxing ring inside of your head, but the opponents are both you
Sometimes, it is one leap forward and then two leaps back

The fighter inside won't let you quit, but there are days that you want to
There are days that you don't want to keep moving forward, or be an adult at all
But, you do

It is not being sorry for who you have become
It is being proud that you made it through hell, for you know that it is fire that cleanses and makes one malleable
It is being shaped into someone better than you were before

It is knowing that the way back is not about a destination
It's about finding your path
It's taking leaps forward and backward while following the signs
It's recognizing when it's right and when it's not

It's about doing the very best you can with what you have
It is never going back to the past
It isn't about the way back at all
It's about living right now


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