Those are not your thoughts

 Those thoughts. They are not yours. The ones that tell you that you are not enough. The ones that tell you that you are unloved. The ones that tell you that you are not worthy. Those thoughts are not your own. 

The thoughts that have been put into your mind by others. They are not your thoughts. They were spoken over you by someone else and you absorbed them and believed that they were true. They are not your thoughts.

The ones who said you were ugly. The ones who said that you were fat. The ones who said you weren't Christian enough. The ones who said that you will never be a singer. The ones who said your voice was too high. The ones who said that theatre isn't your calling. The ones who said that you were lazy. The ones who said that you weren't a good mom. The ones who said they didn't think you were capable of succeeding. The ones who said that you wouldn't be a good leader because of your personality type.

Those are not your thoughts.

 All of those thoughts. They do not matter. They are wrong. They didn't come from you. They didn't come from your creator. 

Abba. Your father. His thoughts matter. 

He says that you are worthy.

He says that you are beautiful. 

He says that you are the temple in which He dwells.

He says that you are a pearl of great price. 

He says that he made you exactly as He meant to. He did not make a mistake.

He says you are a leader. 

He says you are gifted in many areas. 

He says that you are anointed.

He says that you are successful.

He says that you are a hard worker.

He says that you are highly intelligent.

He says that you are a great mom.

He says that you are loved. 

He says that you are worth taking care of.

Listen to the thoughts of the Father. They are the only correct thoughts. No more believing lies. 

Watch your thoughts; they become words

Watch your words; they become actions

Watch your actions; they become habits

Watch your habits; they become character

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

Oh be careful little mouths what you say. 


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